Death Cafes
There's nothing macabre or mysterious about it.
Death Cafés are simply a place to come together and talk casually about dying, death and even life after death, in a supportive, open and unstructured atmosphere. The purpose is simple: to increase awareness of death so that we might make the most of our (finite) lives.
There is no agenda. You're free to come and go, to talk or not talk, as the mood strikes you.
Join us for tea and treats and a little conversation about death. Come see for yourself how lively the conversation can get when discussing our one great common denominator.
Death Cafés are always free. No RSVP needed. Just show up and join the conversation!
Upcoming Death Cafes
We continue to meet on Zoom, on the third Thursday of every month,
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 825 4666 7923
One tap mobile
We are sending Death Cafe reminders to those on the Out-of-the-Box mailing list by email.
If you are not receiving notifications and would like to be, please add yourself to our email list below.
We'd love to include you!
But you'll have to provide your own tea and treats....
Hosted by Sue Mackey, David Clark, and Alannah Blaise
AND, with so many death cafes meeting online currently, did you know you can attend death cafes all over the world??
Just go to to see where death cafes are being offered on any given day around the world. They are happening in 40+ countries!