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Advance Health Care Directives


planning peace of mind for those left behind 

At Out of the Box, I work with you as your advocate to educate and guide you through the creation of your end-of-life and funeral pre-planning documents and all the other little details in a simple, straightforward and compassionate manner.


Your personal values, wishes and needs form the core of the creation of your comprehensive “Exit Plan."


Think of it as a gift for those you love. Through conscious pre-planning, you can rest assured knowing that your loved ones won’t be burdened with difficult decisions at a time when they may be least able to make them, nor will they be left to second guess what you may have wanted once you're no longer able to speak for yourself.

Comprehensive Advance Health Care Directives
It's known that those who have thoroughly communicated their final wishes to their families and loved ones have a significantly more peaceful end of life, and the process for their loved one is dramatically less stressful as well.
Out of the Box can help you take the steps now to create the peace of mind that comes from having your final wishes communicated with forethought and consideration, lightening the burden on your family, friends and loved ones. 
Make sure you and those who care about you understand how you would want to be treated medically and after death, especially when you are unable to speak for yourself.
Services include:
  • Guidance for choosing your Medical Durable Power of Attorney (your health care agent) and alternates
  • Guidance for making your living will choices
  • Guidance around how your personal definition of quality of life impacts your choices for medical and comfort care at the end of life
  • Guidance for how to communicate your decisions in an effective way that will support your family members who won't have to guess what you would want
  • Critical supplemental documentation that addresses non-spousal hospital visitation rights, dementia, organ or whole body donation and more
Complete Funeral Pre-Planning  

Funeral planning can be confusing, bewildering, overwhelming and expensive. And it often occurs unexpectedly during stressful times of shock and grief, when we are least equipped – physically and emotionally – to handle it.


It doesn't have to be that way.

Would you like to pre-plan a funeral in a different way?
In the comfort of your own home, with someone who is knowledgeable about  your consumer rights, the options available in your area, and how to create a funeral pre-plan that reflects your personal values without spending more than you need?
Out of the Box make this possible by offering you:
  • Navigation of the myriad of options available to you, what you need and what you don’t
  • Comparison of costs and services of funeral providers in your area
  • Clarification of your personal choices and preferences
  • Creation of a meaningful life celebration
  • Compilation of your Death Certificate and Obituary Details
  • Guidance for funding your funeral without pre-paying
  • Instructions to your family
  • All assembled for you in an indexed and organized “Exit File™."
Whether a death is imminent, has just occurred or you are planning ahead so that you have a say, I will compassionately lead the way by letting you know what all of your options are and who to go to for services, so that your values and your budget are honored.
Funeral Planning
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